Puzzle of the Day – Mathigon

Puzzle of the Day – Mathigon Daily shape puzzle to cover up all the squares on the callendar except today’s date. Learning Objectives and Skills Visuaise positioning objects Rotate and flip objects Link to calendar
Puzzle of the Day – Mathigon Daily shape puzzle to cover up all the squares on the callendar except today’s date. Learning Objectives and Skills Visuaise positioning objects Rotate and flip objects Link to calendar
Area Perimeter Explorer – Toy Theatre Create your own shapes using colourful blocks and explore the relationship between perimeter and area.
Thermometer ITP This ITP displays a thermometer. The scale, range and the interval markers can be changed and a slider control can be dragged up and down the length of the thermometer to set the height of the column. A Read More …
Clock Times Pairs Which Clock Times Pairs activity would you like to begin with? There are five to choose from. Find card pairs memory game Multiple choice questions 2 player snap game 2 Player tug of War Match similar cards Read More …
Find the area of Compound Shapes Find the area of compound shapes based on rectangles on a grid. Explore how the formula works for finding a rectangle’s area. Information Estimate the total area. Fill the rectangles with unit blocks Calculate Read More …
Time tools: 24/12-hour to the minute Do you really know how to tell the time Tell the time to the minute? Know your 24-hour clock? Have fun matching the times on 12-hour analogue and digital clocks.
Time tools: 12-hour to the half hour Know the little hand and the big hand on a clock. Tell the time to the hour and half-hour? Have fun matching the times on 12-hour analogue and digital clocks.
Area Builder Investigate how area affects perimeter. Information Drag square blocks onto the grid to make a shape. Move blocks around and see the effect on the perimeter Switch modes to compare two shapes Game mode sets challenges to build Read More …
Time, Angles & Fractions This activity has many uses. Display the current time analogue or digital. The clock hands can be dragged to show different times. The clock can also demonstrate angles and has been updated for fractions and percentages Read More …
Use pentominoes to investigate perimeters Y4
Calculate perimeter – numbers less than 10 Y5/6
Students are shown shapes on a grid after setting the area and asked to calculate perimeters of the shapes Y5/6
Elastic bands type shapes for counting squares for area Y4
Use the pinboard to find area of irregular shape, create shapes with given perimeter, explore area/perimeter combinations Y6
Paving slabs and area investigation yr 5
Pupils solve the online problems about combining amounts in kilograms and the measurement of area. Y4/6
Set the perimeter and calculate the area of the shape drawn on the grid. Keep record of comparisons of both. Y6
Use the pinboard to find area of irregular shape, create shapes with given perimeter, explore area/perimeter combinations Y6
Explanation then practice on finding area and perimeter of rectangles. Take care with ruler – measure from 0 mark not from end of ruler! Y4
Move the adjust slider first then calculate area and perimeter of shape drawn Yr 6
Read and estimate different distance scales yr 6
Measure in cm (3 levels) or inches (4 levels), Y2 – 6
Multiple Choice reading scales in centimetres and inches!
Pupils solve the online problems about combining amounts in kilograms and the measurement of area. Y4-6
Read simple scales Calculate using units of measure KS1
Use the Simple Scales to weigh the bears. Open ended activity that lends itself to problem solving activities. YR
Drag and drop the toys onto the scales. Individual toys, the needle, Yr1
Drag the parcel onto the scales, then enter the value shown to deliver your letter or parcel. Counting in 10s and 100s. Reading scales, familiarisation with number lines. Y2
Read the weight represented by the scales. 4 sets of scales, reading amounts between nearest 100g or whole kg. Answering in decimals. Y2
Use this learning resource to simulate using a traditional dial scale in a lesson.
Two thermometers (sideways) with temperature to read (-20 to +50) click in box for reading to be displayed, click change for new ones. Free sample of subscription site but refresh will get rid of login box if it pops up. Read More …
Filling the bath and displacing water – interactive Y6
Choose the correct unit in which to measure a variety of areas.yr 5/6
A variety of measuring devices can be shown on the screen grouped together in themes.
Click on the clock face to set the clock to the given time. 3 levels, hours only, quarters, five minute intervals past the hour. age 5 /9
Pupils identify the correct hour on a clock and put events in order. age 5- 7
Pupils solve maths problems to help Digger and the Gang prepare for their journey, involving the calculation of distances, length of time needed for travel and times on the 24 hour clock Y 5
Match cards: 3 levels: words to do with time, digital times, time words with meanings age 5 /9
Drag the days of the week cards into the correct order Y1
two player game. Roll the dice, move, set the clock to the time on your square. Y3
Times to quarters of an hour. A mouse runs up and eats the cheese if correct.Y2
Pelmanism: match the analogue clock face with the time in 12 hr clock nearest 5 minutes. Y3