2048 Logic Game – Math Playground
2048 Simple doubling puzzle, but can you keep it going to achieve the 2048 target? Are there any strategies to ensure you win?
2048 Simple doubling puzzle, but can you keep it going to achieve the 2048 target? Are there any strategies to ensure you win?
100 Square Spots. Interactive 100 square used for examining number facts and series up to a hundred Choose a colour, then start clicking on numbers. Click a number again to remove a spot. Hold down a menu colour to remove Read More …
Circles adding to 21 – NLVM http://www.mathszone.co.uk/images/thumbimg-114c.jpg Make the intersecting circles add to 21. Numbers in intersections are whole numbers, less than 21
Adding to 99 – NLVM http://www.mathszone.co.uk/images/thumbimg-115l.jpg Make the totals in the intersecting circles add to 99
Where is Tobi hiding ? – Lulu’s Games Use clues of warmer/colder to find the correct square on the grid
Number Cruncher http://www.mathszone.co.uk/images/thumbnail-59.jpg Use a series of addition, subtraction, and multiplication equations to reach your goal.
Magic Safari Use science and maths to solve problems. Develops logic and problem solving skills.
Near doubles machine – Crick http://www.mathszone.co.uk/images/thumbimg-101y.jpg A number is given which near to double the target number. four buttons
Fido Puzzle – DCC http://www.mathszone.co.uk/images/thumbimg-105U.jpg Think Clear! an ‘ I’ll guess your four digit number’ puzzle
CodeBreaker – EChalk http://www.mathszone.co.uk/images/thumbimg-104t.jpg Like the Mastermind board game. For yr6
Psychic – http://www.mathszone.co.uk/images/thumbimg-88o.jpg How does this site always know what number you are thinking of?
Oochina: Crossing the river – Kids Psych http://www.mathszone.co.uk/images/thumbimg-103T.jpg The classic puzzle about the farmer, fox, chicken, and grain
Mancala – MathPlayground Complicated strategy game – play against the computer, two levels
100 Square – M Weddell A tablet friendly 100 square with the ability to investigate multiples, primes etc.
Predict how many different outfits can be made from up to 5 different jumpers and up to 4 different trousers.