Circles adding to 21 – NLVM

Circles adding to 21 – NLVM Make the intersecting circles add to 21. Numbers in intersections are whole numbers, less than 21

Adding to 99 – NLVM

Adding to 99 – NLVM Make the totals in the intersecting circles add to 99

Number Cruncher

Number Cruncher Use a series of addition, subtraction, and multiplication equations to reach your goal.

Magic Safari

Magic Safari Use science and maths to solve problems. Develops logic and problem solving skills.

Near doubles machine – Crick

Near doubles machine – Crick A number is given which near to double the target number. four buttons

Fido Puzzle – DCC

Fido Puzzle – DCC Think Clear! an ‘ I’ll guess your four digit number’ puzzle

CodeBreaker – EChalk

CodeBreaker – EChalk Like the Mastermind board game. For yr6

Psychic –

Psychic – How does this site always know what number you are thinking of?