Use a bar or circle to represent, compare, and perform operations with fractions with denominators from 1 to 100. Choose the fraction model and number of equal parts. Use a color to select specific parts to show a fraction of the whole. Reveal or hide numeric labels as needed. Superimpose fractions upon each other to compare fractions or see equal parts.
- Use a bar or circle as the whole.
- Divide each whole into anywhere from 1 to 100 equal parts.
- Compare fractions and represent equivalent fractions.
- Add, subtract, multiply, and divide with fractions.
- Explore the relationship between fractions, percents, and decimals.
- Select the size of the whole and the number of equal parts.
- Hide and reveal fraction labels.
- Use the drawing tools to annotate work and show understanding.
- Write equations and expressions with the math text tool.